Gateway to Care (GTC) engages in programs, projects and partnerships that facilitate health care access and resource service navigation to predominantly low-income, uninsured or underinsured residents in alignment with our overall mission, vision and goals.
GTC works toward leading healthcare away from intermittent emergency room care (also referred to as ‘sick care’) towards a healthcare system focused around a ‘health home’ where managed and coordinated care will lead to better health outcomes and a reduction in the overall cost and burden to the healthcare system in our Region.
From engaging residents in programs that navigate persons to local health care resources; educating community leaders about CHIP, Medicaid, ACA and Medicare; adhering to culturally and linguistically competent services; supporting elderly citizens and the loved ones who care for them… to ensuring the health of the community during disaster preparedness and more, GTC prides itself in its rich history and humble beginnings of service navigation in support and engagement of uninsured and underinsured communities in the Harris County/Texas Gulf Coast Region.
This long-standing, two-way community engagement has engendered Gateway to Care’s trusted and broad tentacles into the grassroots communities we serve.
Click below to read more about the services we provide: